Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Derivation of Sophia Teknou

Some people have asked me "Where does the blog name come from?" The word "sophia" is Greek for "wisdom." The word "teknou" (pronounced tech-new) is the genitive form of "teknon" which means "of a child." Therefore the direct translation would be "wisdom of a child." But why the title you may ask? Simple.

Reason #1: When I took Greek in undergrad, the book we used was Bill Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek. The font we downloaded for the class was called "TEKNIAGREEK." Mounce used this name because we were his "little children" learning Greek. That word always stuck with me.

Reason #2: Sophia is a beautiful word. I have always wanted to name one of my daughters that name (if I could find a husband first that would help). It is the word for wisdom and that is what I am striving to gain in my seminary experience.

Reason #3: When I was at orientation, I looked around the room and I knew I was one of the youngest students in my class. (I am not saying that I am THE youngest but in comparison to the average age I am young). Although I don't like to call myself a child the term was fitting. I am a child in my faith and life journey.

Reason #4: When we were at the "Sexual Ethics and Boundaries" Workshop (a requirement for all new students), one of the professors put the verse of Mark 10:15 [see above] and I decided then to name my blog after this verse.

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