Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 14- Free Day #2

*Note Day 13- incomplete at this time...

Today was just a relaxing day. We slept in late and ran a few errands in the morning (mail, souvenirs, etc.). After those errands a few of us took the metro down to the Pyramid of Caius Cestius, which is from the 12th Century B.C.E. It is a mausoleum from a rich family that wanted to have an Egyptian pyramid to bury their dead in. However, this pyramid is made of brick and covered in marble… very Roman.

Right next to that is the protestant cemetery of Rome. This is where the writers Keets and Shelley are buried, as well as many other famous Roman writers. I enjoyed it because it was a cat sanctuary as well as a cemetery. We made lots of cat friends there!

After venturing around the cemetery for awhile we grabbed some lunch and walked towards the Baths of Caracalla. These baths are some of the largest remains of Roman buildings. The baths are much like what we would consider a modern spa + gym + library + art gallery. Not only was it a place for people to come and pamper themselves, it was also a social environment for Romans.

After that, we spent much of the evening relaxing. It was just a wonderful day in general.

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